2016 Agenda

Take a look at the full agenda of 2016's Peer-to-Peer Financial Systems Workshop held at the University College London (UCL), including invited talks, panels, paper sessions, keynotes, and welcome addresses by an incredible global network of top-tier speakers.
Registration and Welcome Coffee
8:30 am
9:00 am
Welcome Address
9:00 am
9:15 am
Paolo Tasca (P2PFISY 2016 Programme Chair)
Keynote Speech
9:15 am
10:05 am
Victoria Cleland (Bank of England)
First Session (Room 1. Digital Currencies and Blockchain Technology)
10:05 am
10:40 am
Dominick Paniscotti (Associate VP, Enterprise Architecture, NASDAQ) and Tomaso Aste (University College London)
First Session (Room 2. Crowdfunding and P2P Lending)
10:05 am
10:40 am
Karen Kerrigan (Chief Legal Officer, Seedrs) and Calebe de Roure (Frankfurt School of Finance)
Morning Coffee Break
10:40 am
11:00 am
First Invited Talk (Room 1. Digital Currencies and Blockchain Technology)
11:00 am
11:35 am
Nicolas Curtois (University College London)
Fed Liftoff and Subprime Loan Interest Rates: Evidence from the Peer-to-Peer Lending Market
11:00 am
11:35 am
Christoph Bertsch (Sveriges Riksbank), Isaiah Hull (Sweden Central Bank) and Xin Zhang (UCL)
On the Value of Virtual Currencies
11:35 am
12:05 pm
Wilko Bolt (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and Maarten van Oordt (Bank of Canada), and Katya Malinova (University of Toronto)
Contract Pricing and Market Efficiency: Can Peer-to-Peer Internet Credit Markets Improve Allocative Efficiency?
11:35 am
12:05 pm
Talal Rahim (Centre for Research in Economics in Business) and Hans Peter Grüner (University of Mannheim)
The Fiduciaries of Public Blockchains
12:05 pm
12:45 pm
Angela Walch (St. Mary's University School of Law) and Petros Kavassalis (University of the Aegean)
Cutting out the Middleman: Crowdinvesting, Efficiency, and Inequality
12:10 pm
12:45 pm
Hans Peter Grüner (University of Mannheim), Christoph Siemroth (University of Essex), and discussant Christoph Bertsch (Sveriges Riksbank)
DTD Powered by ACUTS: An Innovative RegTech Automated Legal Text Approach to Financial Reporting
12:35 pm
1:05 pm
Petros Kavassalis (University of Aegean), Harrald Stieber, Wolfgang Breymann (Research Features), Keith Saxton (Advisor), Francis Gross (ECB), Willi Brammertz (ACTUS), Stefano Bertolo (European Commission), Antonis Dragiotis (Qualco), and discussant Tomaso Aste (UCL)
Second Session (Room 1. Digital Currencies and Blockchain Technology)
2:35 pm
3:10 pm
Andrea Pinna (European Central Bank) and chaired by Dirk Schrade (Deutsche Bundesbank)
The Evolution of the Bitcoin Economy: Extracting and Analyzing the Network of Payment Relationships
3:10 pm
3:40 pm
Paolo Tasca (UCL), Shaowen Liu (Deusche Bundesbank), Adam Hayes (University of Wisconsin-Madison), and discussant Guido Caldarelli (IMT Lucca)
The Macroeconomics of Central Bank Issued Digital Currencies
3:40 pm
4:10 pm
John Barrdear (Bank of England), Michael Kumhof (Bank of England), and Katya Malinova (University of Toronto)
Second Invited Talk (Room 1. Digital Currencies and Blockchain Technology)
4:10 pm
4:45 pm
Jeremy Clark (Concordia University)
Afternoon Coffee Break
4:45 pm
5:05 pm
Roundtable: Business and Regulation of P2P Financial Markets
5:05 pm
6:05 pm
Dirk Schrade (Deutsche Bundesbank), Robleh Ali (Bank of England), Ben Fung (Bank of Canada), David Andolfatto (FED, St. Louis), and moderated by Juile Maupin (Max Planck Institute)
Gala Dinner
8:00 pm
11:00 pm
Registration and Welcome Coffee
8:30 am
9:00 am
Keynote Speech
9:00 am
9:50 am
Alexander Lipton (MIT)
First Session (Room 1. Digital Currencies and Blockchain Technology)
9:50 am
10:25 am
Wei-Tek Tsai (Behang University)
First Session (Room 2. Crowdfunding and P2P Lending)
9:50 am
10:25 am
Rhydian Lewis (RateSatter.com) and Diana Biggs (UCL)
Market Design for Trading with Blockchain Technology
10:25 am
10:55 am
Katya Malinova (University of Toronto), Andreas Park (University of Toronto), and Michael Kumhof (Bank of England)
Will Crowdfunding Contribute to Financial Development in Developing Countries?
10:25 am
10:55 am
Adalbert Winkler (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management), Ulf Moslener (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management) , and discussant Tania L. L. Urresta (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management)
Morning Coffee Break
10:55 am
11:15 am
First Invited Talk (Room 1. Digital Currencies and Blockchain Technology)
11:15 am
11:50 am
Claudio J. Tessone (University of Zurich)
First Invited Talk (Room 2. Crowdfunding and P2P Lending)
11:15 am
11:50 am
Bruce Davies (Abundance Investment)
More Inclusive, More Stable? The Financial Inclusion-Stability Nexus in the Global Financial Crisis
11:15 am
11:50 am
Tania L. L. Urresta (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management), Adalbert Winkler (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management), and discussant Dairo Estrada (Banco de la República Colombia)
The Bitcoin Peers Network
11:50 am
12:20 pm
Giuseppe Pappalardo (IMT Lucca), Guido Caldarelli (IMT Lucca), Tomaso Aste (UCL), and discussant Petros Kavassalis (University of the Aegean)
Hayek Money: The Cryptocurrency Price Stability Solution
12:20 pm
12:50 pm
Ferdinando M. Ametrano (Bicocca University and Intesa Sanpaolo Bank)
How Does P2P Lending Fit into the Consumer Credit Market?
12:20 pm
12:50 pm
Calebe de Roure (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management), Loriana Pelizzon (Goethe University), Paolo Tasca (UCL), and Adalbert Winkler (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management)
Networking Lunch
12:50 pm
2:20 pm
Second Session (Room 2. Digital Currencies and Blockchain Technologies)
2:20 pm
2:55 pm
Tulio Menga (ATS-Advanced Technology Solutions) and Dirk Schrade (Deutsche Bundesbank)
DTD Powered by ACTUS: An Innovative RegTech Automated Legal Text Approach to Financial Reporting
2:55 pm
3:25 pm
Petros Kavassalis (University of Aegean), Harrald Stieber, Wolfgang Breymann (Research Features), Keith Saxton (Advisor), Francis Gross (ECB), Willi Brammertz (ACTUS), Stefano Bertolo (European Commission), Antonis Dragiotis (Qualco), and discussant Tomaso Aste (UCL)
The Fair Cost of Bitcoin Proof-of-Work
3:25 pm
3:55 pm
Tomaso Aste (UCL) and Richard B. Olsen (Lykke)
Synzeris: Synthetic Zero Rate Instrument as New Stability Enhancing Instruments for (Digital) Monetary Regime Changes
3:55 pm
4:25 pm
Floris Kleemans (FOCAFET Foundation) and Ferdinando M. Ametrano (Bicocca University and Intesa San Paolo Bank)
Case Study of Lykke Exchange: First Experiences and Outlook
4:25 pm
4:55 pm
Anton Golub (Lykke), Richard B. Olsen (Lykke), Stefano Battiston (University of Zurich), Guido Caldarelli (Ca' Foscari University of Venice), Sergey Ivliev (Lykke), and discussant Floris Kleemans (FOCAFET Foundation)
Afternoon Coffee Break
4:55 pm
5:15 pm
Roundtable: Business and Technology of P2P Financial Markets
5:15 pm
6:15 pm
Michael Cooper (BT Radianz Services), Dominick Paniscotti (NASDAQ), David B. Kinitsky (Fidelity Investments), Rhydian Lewis (RateSatter.com), and Andrei Kirilenko (Imperial College)
End of the Workshop
6:15 pm
7:00 pm