2017 Agenda

Take a look at the full agenda of 2017's Peer-to-Peer Financial Systems Workshop held at the University College London (UCL), including invited talks, panels, paper sessions, keynotes, and welcome addresses by an incredible global network of top-tier speakers.
Registration and Welcome Coffee
8:00 am
9:00 am
Welcome Address
9:00 am
9:10 am
Paolo Tasca (UCL CBT)
Keynote Speech: Digital currencies: What Lies Ahead?
9:10 am
10:00 am
Daniel Heller (PIIE and ex-IMF)
First Invited Talk: From Derivatives to Blockchain: A Regulator's Journey
10:00 am
10:35 am
Jeffrey M. Bandman (CFTC)
Coffee Break
10:35 am
11:05 am
First Presentation: The Taste of Peer-to-Peer Loans
11:05 am
11:35 am
Yiuliya Demyanyk (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland) and Jiasun Li (George Mason University)
Second Presentation: Profit Sharing: A Contracting Solution to Harness the Wisdom of the Crowd
11:35 am
12:05 pm
Jiasun Li (George Mason University) and Paolo Giudici (University of Pavia)
Third Presentation: Scoring Models for P2P Lending Platforms
12:05 pm
12:35 pm
Paolo Giudici (University of Pavia) and William Bazley (University of Miami)
Networking Lunch
12:35 pm
2:05 pm
Richard Kastelein (Blockchain News Publisher)
Second Invited Talk: Fintech and Financial Innovation: Drivers and Depth
2:05 pm
2:40 pm
John Schindler (FSB's Financial Innovation Network, Federal Reserve Board)
Fourth Presentation: Spend or Save New Wealth? Evidence from the Shale Gas Boom
2:40 pm
3:10 pm
William Bazley (University of Miami)
Third Invited Talk: Disruption and Transformation: A Vision of Fintech's Future
3:10 pm
3:45 pm
Nick Ielpo (Zopa)
Fourth Invited Talk: Leveraging Blockchain Settlement to Disrupt Cross-Border Payments Across Africa
3:45 pm
4:20 pm
Charlene Chen (BitPesa)
Afternoon Coffee Break
4:20 pm
4:50 pm
Panel Discussion: Business and Regulation of P2P Financial Markets
4:50 pm
5:50 pm
Demetra Kalogerou (Cyprus SEC), Michael Liftik (Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP), Jeffrey M. Bandman (US CFTC), Keith Saxton (Independent Advisor), and Richard Kastelein (Blockchain News Publisher)
Formal Dinner and Speech: The Financial Markets of Tomorrow
7:00 pm
11:00 pm
Robert Sams (Clearmatics) and Tomaso Aste (UCL CBT)
Registration and Welcome Coffee
8:00 am
9:00 am
Welcome Address
9:00 am
9:10 am
Paolo Tasca (UCL CBT)
Keynote Speech: Transforming Geo-Politics, Political Risks/Economic Risks
9:10 am
10:00 am
Marvin Zonis (University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
First Invited Talk: DLTs in Financial Market Infrastructures
10:00 am
10:35 am
Andrea Pinna (ECB)
Morning Coffee Break
10:35 am
11:05 am
Second Invited Talk: Cognitive Insights Make the Infrastructure of the Future Industry
11:05 am
11:40 am
Paolo Sironi (IBM Watson Financial Services)
First Presentation: Dissecting Ponzi Schemes on Ethereum: Identification, Analysis, and Impact
11:40 am
12:10 pm
Tiziana Cimoli (University of Cagliari) and Takeshi Miyamae (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd)
Third Invited Talk: Central Bank Digital Currency: Motivations and Implications
12:10 pm
12:45 pm
Ben Fung (Bank of Canda)
Networking Lunch
12:45 pm
2:15 pm
Bonnie Buchanan (Seattle University)
Fourth Invited Talk: LSEG: DLT Work
2:15 pm
2:50 pm
David Harris (LSEG)
Second Presentation: Distributed Consensus Protocols, Transparency and Business Models
2:50 pm
3:20 pm
Gerard Briscoe (UCL) and Christopher Henry (Bank of Canada)
Third Presentation: Performance Improvement of the Consortium Blockchain for Financial Business Application
3:20 pm
3:50 pm
Takeshi Miyamae (Fujitsu Labratories) and Gerrard Briscoe (UCL)
Fourth Presentation: Bitcoin Awareness and Usage in Canda
3:50 pm
4:20 pm
Christopher Henry (Bank of Canada) Tiziana Cimoli (Univeresity of Cagliari)
Afternoon Coffee Break
4:20 pm
4:50 pm
Fifth Invited Talk: Feeding Real World Data into Decentralized Financial Applications
4:50 pm
5:25 pm
Thomas Bertani (Oraclize)
Panel Discussion: Business and Technology of P2P Financial Markets
5:25 pm
6:25 pm
Jon Matonis (Bitcoin Foundation), Lee Braine (Barclays), Alexei Blagirev (Otkritie), Pinar Emirdag (State Street Panel Moderator)
Closing Networking with Drinks and Canapés
6:25 pm
8:00 pm
Bruce Rigal (University Chicago Booth School of Business)