The 10th International P2PFISY Workshop 2024 is being held in Dubai Learn More

Previous Edition's Speakers

This workshop is always proud to bring you exceptional engagement from experts and scholars around the world in one renowned venue. 

Esteemed speakers from the Swiss National Bank, the Bank for International Settlements, the IMF, the Bank of Lithuania, the Bank of Italy, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and the Federal Reserve Board have joined the workshop in previous years.

Alessandra Perrazzelli

Deputy Governor, Banca d'Italia

Alexander Lipton

Connection Science Fellow at MIT

Andreas Antonopoulos

Tech Entrepreneur at Bitcoin Expert

Claudio J. Tessone

Co-founder and Chairman of the University of Zurich (UZH) Blockchain Center

Daniel Heller

Research Fellow at UCL - CFO at Bitlumens

David Andolfatto

Senior VP at Federal Reserve Bank of St. Luis - Professor of Economics at University of Miami Herbert Business School

Gary Gensler

Chairperson at U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Helmut Wacket

Head of Division at ECB

Katrin Assenmacher

Head of Stress Test Modelling Division at ECB

Livio Tornetta

Director General for Currency Circulation and Retail Payments, Banca d'Italia

Marvin Zonis

Professor Emeritus of Business at University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Paolo Sironi

FinTech Thought Leader and Author at IBM

Raphael Auer

Head of the Eurosystem Centre at Bank for International Settlements

Robert C. Hockett

Edward Cornell Professor of Law at Cornell Law School

Ulrich Bindseil

Director General Market Infrastructure and Payments, European Central Bank

Victoria Cleland

Executive Director for Payments at Bank of England

Joanna Hysi

Senior Regulatory Counsel at Sovos - Prev. Jr. Attorney-in-Law at Koutalidis Law Firm

John Barrdear.

Senior Research Economist at Bank of England

John Schindler

Senior Associate Director at FSB's Financial Innovation Network, Federal Reserve Board

John Shawe Taylor

Professor at University College London

Jon Matonis

Founding Director at Bitcoin Foundation

Juile Maupin

Senior Research Fellow at Max Planck Institute

Jun Aoyagi

Assistant Professor of Finance at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Karen Kerrigan

Chief Legal Officer at Seedrs

Karsten Paetzmann

Professor at Universität Hamburg

Karsten Wenzlaff

Founder and CEO at Ikosom

Kary Bheemaiah

Vice President at Capgemini Invent

Kathrin Gfall-Gapp

Head of Long-Term Funding & Execution at Erste Group

Katya Malinova

Associate Professor at University of Toronto

Ke Tang

Professor and Director of the Institute of Economics at Tsinghua University

Keith Saxton

Independent Advisor

Kerstin Junius

Senior Market Infrastructure Expert, European Central Bank

Kevin Werbach

Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics at University of Pennsylvania, Wharton

Kirill Shakhnov

Senior Lecturer at University of Surrey

Laura Rinaldi

Head of the Financial Sector and Access to Finance, DG-REFORM, European Commission

Lee Braine

Managing Director at Barclays

Leemon Baird

Chief Scientist at Swirlds Labs

Leonardo Gambacorta

Head of Innovation and the Digital Economy, Bank for International Settlements

Lewis Gudgeon

Co-founder of Gyroscope Protocol - PhD candidate at Imperial College London

Liyi Zhou

PhD in Philosophy at Imperial College London

Loriana Pelizzon

Goethe University Frankfurt - Research Center SAFE, P2PFISY 2015 Programme Chair (2015)

Maarten Van Oordt

Associate Professor of Finance at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Mandar Agashe

Founder and Vice Chairman, Sarvatra Technologies

Marcello Miccoli

Senior Financial Sector Expert in Monetary and Capital Markets Department, International Monetary Fund

Marco Bevilacqua

Head of Fintech Section, Banca d'Italia

Maria Chiara Malaguti

Università Cattolica Sacro del Cuore

Marius Jurgilas

Professor of Practice, Vilnius University (former Board Member Bank of Lithuania)

Mark Esposito

Clinical Professor at Arizona State University

Mark Woelders

Magister in Science at Warwick Business School - Client Associate at Neuberger Berman

Massimo Doria

Deputy Director General for Currency Circulation and Retail Payments and Head of the Innovation Centre Milano Hub, Banca d'Italia

Maxime Nicolas

Lecturer and Quantitative Researcher at UCL

Michael Cooper

CTO at BT Radianz Services

Michael Kötter

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

Michael Kumhof

Senior Research Advisor at The Bank of England

Michael Liftik

Partner at Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP

Mike Warner

Senior IT Strategist at FRB San Francisco

Mirce Mihaescu

General Partner at SBT Venture Capital

Mirko Zichichi

Research Scientist at IOTA Foundation - PhD in Philosophy at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Monique Morrow

Independent Board Director at Hedera - Ex CTO at Cisco

Nadia Pocher

Postdoctoral Researcher in Information Systems, SnT Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust

Niall Roche

Founding Partner, The Building Blocks and Senior Teaching Fellow and CTO-in-Residence, University College London School of Management

Nick Lelpo

Head of Motor Finance at Zopa

Nicolas Courtois

Cryptographer & Senior Lecturer at UCL

Nicolas Perony

Co-founder, Head of Research at ECUREX

Nikolas Guggenberger

Assistant Professor at University Munster School of Law

Nilixa Devlukia

CEO, Payments Solved